To download the presentation/speech of each participant, please click on his/her name:
Opening & Keynote Addresses
Rashad Mabger, Secretary General, AHCCD
Harris Geronikolas, Chairman of the Board of Directors, AHCCD
Mr. Tawfic Said Khoury, Executive Vice Chairman, Consolidated Contractors Company S.A., Greece
Mr. Ioannis Brachos, Secretary General for International Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Greece
H.E. Mr. Marwan Emile Toubassi, Dean of the Council of Arab Ambassadors & Ambassador of the State of Palestine, Greece
Session 1 “Culture of Business in the Arab World”
Moderator: Dr. Saleh S. Jallad, Financial Consultant, Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC), Publisher of Middle East Economic Survey (MEES) & Board Member of A.H.C.C.D.
- H.E. Mr. Fawwaz Al Eitan, Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Greece
- H.E. Mr. Saud Faisal Saoud Aldaweesh, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait, Greece
- H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Naama, Ambassador of the State of Qatar, Greece
- H.E. Mr. Samir Addahre, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco, Greece
- H.E. Mr. Abdulla Ahmed Osman, Ambassador of the Republic of the Sudan, Greece
Session 2 “Investment Opportunities and Business Practices in the Arab World”
Moderator: Mr. Paul Smith, Development Director, ΜΕΤΚΑ | EPC Business Unit, Mytilineos S.A., Greece
- Mr. Theodore Xypolias, Head of Commercial Office, Embassy of Greece in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (also covers Oman & Yemen)
- Mr. Georgios Sakoufakis, Head of Commercial Office in Tunis, Embassy of Greece, Tunisia
- Dr. Hany Barakat, Board Member& Executive Director, EGESCOQuality S.A.E. and former First Undersecretary at the Ministry of Trade & Industry, Egypt
- Mr. Ioannis Katsaras, Head of Commercial Office, Embassy of Greece, Algeria
- Mrs. Paraskevi Tasakou, Head of Commercial Office, Embassy of Greece, Lebanon
- Mr. Stavros Stavrakos, Head of the Regional Section for Economic & Commercial Affairs in Erbil, Embassy of Greece, Iraq