Session 1: Maritime and Port Industries and Services: Greece, Egypt, and Lebanon. Opportunities & Potential for Growth and Cooperation (Part A)
- Presentation of Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar, President, Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Egypt
- Presentation of Mr. George Xiradakis, Managing Director XRTC & President of Propeller Club, Greece
- Presentation of H.E. Admiral. Tareq Ghanim Abd ElMetaal ElSaiedy, 1st Undersecretary, Head of Maritime Transport Sector, Ministry of Transport, Egypt
- Speech of Mr. Charalambos Simantonis, Ship owner, President of the Hellenic Shortsea Ship Owners Association, Greece
Session 1: Maritime and Port Industries and Services: Greece, Egypt, and Lebanon. Opportunities & Potential for Growth and Cooperation (Part B)
- Presentation of Mrs. Amany Kamal Essawi, Advisor to the Chairman for International Relations, General Authority, Suez Canal Economic Zone, Egypt
- Presentation of Capt. Stylianos V. Dafermos, DPA/HSQE & Vetting Manager, Training Officer, Avin International Ltd., Greece
Session 2: Construction, Building materials and Energy
- Presentation of Eng. Zuhair Haddad, CIO, Corporate Assets and Risk Management, Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC), Greece
- Presentation of Eng. Antoine Georges Saade, Executive General Manager, Al Sraiya Holding Group, Qatar
- Presentation of Eng. Athanasios Mamalis, Business Development Director, Archirodon Group N.V. & Board Member, Arab-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
- Presentation of Mr. Costis Stambolis, Deputy Chairman & Executive Director, Institute of Energy for South Eastern Europe (IENE), Greece
- Presentation of Dipl. Ing. Mr. Mouddar Khouja, Secretary General, Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC)
Session 3: Investment Opportunities in Real Estate & Tourism in Greece and the Arab World
- Presentation of H.E. Mr. Mamdouh Mahmoud Hanafy Morsy, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Investment & Chairman of the Investment Authority Alexandria, Egypt
- Presentation of Mr. Velissarios Dotsis, CEO, Enterprise Greece
- Speech of Mr. Elias Khlat, Consultant in Development & Public Relations, Lebanon
- Speech of Mr. Manos Konsolas, Dodecanese Member of Parliament in Greece, Head of Tourism Policy of Nea Demokratia, Associate Professor of the Aegean University, Greece
- Speech of Mr. Dimitris Tryfonopoulos, Secretary General, Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO)
Session 4: Food Processing Industry: The Greek Experience & Potential for Collaboration with Arab Countries
- Speech of H.E. Mr. Yiannis Tsironis, Alternate Minister, Ministry of Rural Development and Food, Greece
- Speech of Mr. Thomas Tzikas, Owner & President of North Aegean Sea Canneries S.A. & Board Member, Arab-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce & Development Greece
- Presentation of H.E. Mr. Athanasios Skordas, President, Selonda Fisheries S.A. & former Deputy Minister, Ministry of Development & Competitiveness, Greece