In coordination with the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce and the Embassy of Iraq in Athens, the Arab-Hellenic Chamber organized a business delegation of high-level representatives of well-known Greek companies.
The Federation of Iraqi Chambers welcomed the Greek delegates at the opening of the Iraqi–Greek Business Forum, attended by H.E. Muhammad Bahr Al-Ulum, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iraq, H.E. Sattar Al-Jabri, Iraqi Deputy Minister of Trade, and H.E. Dimitris Skalkos, Secretary General of International Economic Relations at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs. H.E. Muayed Saleh, Ambassador of Iraq in Greece, and H.E. George Alamanos, Ambassador of Greece in Iraq, took part in this event and accompanied the delegates on some of their other visits.
At the opening ceremony, Mr. Abdul Razaq Al-Zuhairi, President of the Federation, delivered a speech welcoming the Greek guests and outlined the potential of the relations between Greece and Iraq in various aspects. Then, Mr. Rashad Mabger, the Secretary General of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, took the stage and, in line with Mr. Al-Zuhairi, emphasized the fact that the resources of the two countries, both human and natural, have not yet been fully utilized although the two countries enjoy a long-lasting friendly relation.
Mr. Skalkos, in his turn, outlined Greece’s positive strides in terms of growth and its suitable business environment and praised the existing amicable relations between the two countries. Then H.E. Muhammad Bahr Al-Ulum, in his speech, welcomed the delegates and pointed out that Greece and Iraq enjoy excellent relations and that this event was a step in the right direction. H.E. Sattar Al-Jabri outlined the Iraqi investment and business climate and welcomed the Greek delegation to get engaged and grasp the opportunities wherever they exist.
Afterwards, the Greek delegates, with the high-level Iraqi participating businessmen, engaged in lengthy discussions. The meetings of the Greek delegates with their Iraqi counterparts continued in the hotel and other locations.
This was a remarkable visit organized by the Arab-Hellenic Chamber and its success was based on the very close cooperation we had with H.E. the Ambassador of Iraq in Greece, who joined us on this trip, and with Mr. Abdul Razaq Al-Zuhairi personally who exerted enormous efforts to ensure its positive outcome. It is worth mentioning that our Chamber’s database and acquaintances in Iraq have helped in shaping the smooth running of this visit.
We are deeply indebted for the warm reception we had at the airport by the staff members of the Iraqi Federation and the subsequent lunch and dinner invitations by the Federation and our friends the prominent businessmen Messrs. Mohsin Katia Ali, CEO, Al-Asriya Group for General Trading & Contracting, Iraq, Dr. Rafea Al-Rawi, CEO, The Modern Company for Drug Industry & CEO, Al-Andalus Private Hospital, Iraq, and our dear friend Abdullah Algiburi, CEO of Abdullah Algiburi Group For Contracting And International Agencies. Our gratitude and thanks go to them all.
The Arab-Hellenic Chamber has successfully concluded three business trips in 2024, to Libya, Egypt, and now Iraq. In all these visits, we were pleased with the efforts exerted to further enhance the communication channels and business partnerships between Greek businessmen and their counterparts in the three Arab countries. We owe our success to our privilege in representing all Federations and Chambers of Commerce in the Arab world and to our friends and extensive network across the Arab world. We look forward to seeing you at our next events at the end of February 2025.
Selected photos from the delegation: