Dear Member of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber,
Thank you for your support and for being part of our four-decade journey so far. We take pride in our association with all our member-companies, while we strive to provide quality services in good and challenging times.
Our Chamber’s contribution to the increase of the trade balance between Greece and the Arab world is an indication of the growing importance of our role. The strategic dimension in our mandate to represent the Federations and Chambers of Commerce in all the Arab countries is a privilege which enables us to provide quality services and open constructive channels of communication between Greek and Arab businessmen.
In continuation of last year’s successful “Meet the Arab Ambassadors” RoundTable Discussion, the second edition of this event will take place on 5th November 2020 at 13:00 pm, electronically, this time, in light of the current circumstances.
For more information, please contact us at chamber@arabgreekchamber.gr or 210-6711210.