On October 14th, the Arab-Hellenic Chamber organized the 6th Webinar on “Doing Business with the Arab World”, with the participation of more than 50 Greek companies. This online event presented Iraq, from the perspective of the native businessmen and entrepreneurs (originating from the Baghdad region and Kurdistan), as well as Palestine and Syria, countries that had never before been presented in our webinar series.
Harris Geronikolas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, delivered the opening speech, followed by H.E. Marwan Emil Toubassi, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine and Dean of the Arab Ambassadors in Greece. Mr. Suheil H. Sabbagh, Vice President of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber, President of Group HR at Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) and Honorary President, Palestinian Greek Friendship & Cooperation Association welcomed the participants and expressed his wish for a boost in the business cooperation between Greece and Palestine and the Arab world in general.
Then, with the Secretary General, Rashad Mabger, as moderator, the session on Iraq began. Mrs. Samar Al Mafragy, Businesswoman and General Manager of AMS in Iraq and the UAE, and Mr. Maytham Al Yasiri, Board Member of Baghdad Chamber of Commerce and CEO of AlKhair Co. presented all domains in which Greek businessmen and investors can participate in the new Governmental program for the reconstruction of Iraq. Mr. Ayad H. Abdulhalem, President of Duhok Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Vice President of Kurdistan Region of Iraq Chambers of Commerce and CEO of Shivan Company for Imports & Exports, outlined the areas in which Kurdistan is aiming at attracting foreign investors and the opportunities offered to the Greek interested parties.
The second session which focused on Palestine, commenced with introductory remarks by H.E. Marwan Abdulhamid, Chairman of the BoD Palestinian Greek Friendship & Cooperation Association, and started with the presentation of H.E. Dr. Hassan Abu Libdeh, Former Minister of National Economy, Chairman of the Federation of Renewable Energy Industries (FREI), & CEO of Sunergy for Renewable Energy Solutions who gave a complete overview of the Palestinian economy and trade with Greece and the EU, with special focus on investment opportunities in the renewable energy and other sectors. Afterwards, Dr. Bassim Khoury, former Palestinian Minister of Economy and CEO of Pharmacare PLC, outlined the hindrances Palestine is facing but also the huge possibilities Palestine offers to potential investors and businessmen who wish to do business with the country.
The third session included presentations of opportunities in various domains of the Syrian business environment by Mr. George Catinis, Honorary Consul of Greece in Aleppo & Deputy CEO of Syrian Enterprise & Business Center (SEBF) and Mrs. Sonia Khandji Cachecho, BoD Member of Damascus Chamber of Commerce & President of its Business Women Committee, a prominent businesswoman in Syria.
We would like to seize this opportunity to express our appreciation to our member-companies who have supported this event and continue to stand by our Chamber and its activities. We look forward to seeing you all in our next events.
The Organizer:
The Arab-Hellenic Chamber has embarked on the fifth decade of its business journey, with a clear visibility of its track record and achievements. The Chamber’s contribution to the increase of the trade balance between Greece and the Arab world is an indication of the growing importance of its role. The strategic dimension in its mandate to represent the Federations and Chambers of Commerce in all the Arab countries is a privilege which enables it to provide quality services and open constructive channels of communication between the two sides. Its events have been very successful in stimulating the verbal exchange between the Greek and the Arab businessmen, thus effectively influencing the increased flow of investments between them.