7th Greek Exports Forum
09 May 2019
Athenaeum InterContinental
The Greek Exports Forum has become an institution which is widely attended and
accepted by the exports sector. This year it is organized for the seventh time by the
Union of Diplomatic Employees of Economic & Commercial Affairs (UDE
ECA) and Ethos Events, in collaboration with banks.com.gr business portal and
HRIMA magazine, under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign
The 7th Greek Exports Forum will take place on Thursday 9 May 2019 at the
Athenaeum InterContinental Hotel.
The 7th Greek Exports Forum aims at offering Greek exporters valuable tools and
information that will enable them to boost their professional activities and locate the
new target-markets which constitute fertile ground for their expansion. Extra
attention is given to newcomers in the exports sector and entrepreneurs who intend
to develop exporting activities, who are presented with detailed information on
funding options as well as market assessment mechanisms.
This year’s Forum comprises the following sessions:
1) The plenary sessions of the Greek Exports Conference
2) Two parallel sessions:
– B2B consultation meetings between Greek exporters and Bilateral Chambers executives and
– B2B consultation meetings between Greek exporters and representatives of the
Forum’s main Sponsors.
For more information, please click here.