3rd Workshop “Doing Business in the Arab World”
21 March, Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens
Following the two previous successful Workshops on “Doing Business in the Arab World,” the Arab-Hellenic Chamber announces the 3rd Workshop on 21 March 2019 at the Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens.
Among the speakers of the Workshop will be Arab Ambassadors accredited in Greece, as well as Economic and Commercial Affairs Advisers accredited to the Arab countries.
Attached you will find the Speakers and the final program of the Workshop.
Interested parties can register electronically BY CLICKING HERE (only for Greek companies or Arab companies in Greece)
The sessions of the conference will be followed by B2B meetings between Greek businessmen and their Arab counterparts, in all business sectors, as well as Greek Economic and Commercial Attaches, who will advise and guide them in their expansion in Arab markets.
Deadline for Submission of Participation Forms: Monday 18 March 2019, at: 14:00
We look forward to meeting you!