The Agricultural Investment Promotion Agency ‘’APIA’’ will organize the 12th ‘’International Exhibition of Agricultural Investment and Technology’’ (SIAT 2016) that will take place from 19th to 22nd October 2016 at the premises of the Kram Exhibition Park in Tunis.
SIAT constitutes a display of the agricultural and the fishing technologies, and crossroads where meet agricultural and farming producers, fishermen, businessmen, manufacturers ship owners, suppliers and researchers.
SIAT offers a variety of events such as: exhibition of technologies and researches, partnership contacts between Tunisian and foreign partners, demonstration sessions of the last technologies and international forum for the promotion of investment in agriculture, fishers, agro food and services.
The companies that wish to participate in this event should fill in the attached registration file and return it back to Agricultural Investment Promotion Agency before July 31st, 2016.
Please find more information on the SIAT 2016. For further details about the exhibition you may visit the following website: www.siat.tn . For any additional information or specific inquiry, please contact the Agricultural Investment Promotion Agency: Address: 62, rue Alain Savary-1003 Tunis-Tunisia. Phone: 00 216 71 77 13 00 – Fax: 00 216 71 80 84 53, e-mail: prom.agri@apia.com.tn, website: www.apia.com.tn