Τhe President of the Arab-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Christos Folias will participate as an Introduction & Chair, to the “Athens Energy Forum 2013: Energy Outlook in Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean”, in the Session: Upstream Oil & Gas Development the Caspian and SE Mediterranean.
In the same Conference also will participate as a Speaker, Dr. Saleh Jallad, Vice President of AHCCD, in the Session: Financing the key infrastructure Projects.
“Athens Energy Forum 2013” will be co-organized by the International Herald Tribune, Kathimerini & Symeon G. Tsomokos S.A., and will be held at the Grande Bretagne Hotel, in Athens, on Monday & Tuesday, February 25-26, 2013.
The opening ceremony will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Greece, H.E. Mr. Antonis Samaras.
The Conference will offer international and regional business leaders interested in the potential offered by Greece’s energy sector with the more immediate Gas and Oil projects under development an insight into the business potential and political reality within the Mediterranean region with the participation of industry decision makers, financiers and political leaders.
Forward of the President of AHCCD, Mr. Christos Folias.pdf
Speech of the Vice President of AHCCD, Dr. Saleh Jallad.pdf
For more information, you may visit the website: www.athensenergyforum.com